-never been romanced like this before.

Friday, April 23, 2004

wad a week.
it brought me to e brink of frustration and led me to haf countless days of sleepless nights.
found out a lot of things this week.
feel like im caught in the middle of an argument between 2 of my frens.
sigh.my head's gonna burst.im serious.
anderson b girls rock.i mean.totally.
2nd in nationals.how pro is that mans.
they beat rgs on wed.and lost to scgs today.quite a close fight.

i'm dead serious.what the hell is america thinkin?
is it some racist joke or somethin.cos it if is it really isnt funny.the rest of us noes that.
when george was told to go to e top group,it was as tho Ryan Seacrest was testin him as to which group he wil go to.
he was beckoned by the 3 divas to their group.and he stood alongside them.smilin n happy.
and when ryan said "george,i told you to go to the top group"
there was a dead silence echoing throughout the whole auditorium.and then a slight murmuring was audible.ppl were VISIBLY shocked.and i really mean VISIBLY.
jaws dropped.simon's tongue was "on e floor" and well.tv viewers at home had e urge to switch off their TVs.
then Ryan said that Diana's group was the top group.reality struck us.everyone.that Latoya Fantasia and Jennifer were the bottom 3.and they WERE THE ONES WHO WERE TRYIN TO CLIMB OUT OF E PILE OF PRAISES THAT WAS HEAPED UPON THEM.
Latoya was the one who was e best vocally.Jennifer improved greatly.raised her own bar.and even garnered good words from well simon's caustic tongue.and Fantasia had all along been a frontrunner.beside the fact that she was in a middle group few weeks back.it's Fantasia dammit.
Latoya really reminded me of the shock when Tamyra was "tamyra-ed" Tamyra was always said to be the best performer AND vocalist.much ahead of the other finalists.
both of them had the same kind of praises.and look where it landed Latoya.bottom 3.
barely scraping tru.and Simon even mentioned to Jennifer that this is becoming "American Diva" cos she sang so well she was givin Latoya n Fantasia a run for their money.
and ALL 3 of them were in the bottom 3.not just one.or 2.ALL OF THEM.ALL 3 DIVAS.
Diana sang One Voice but i couldn't help but compare to when Kelly Clarkson sang it during the finale last yr.sigh.e 3 youngsters all in the same group.are their schools HUGE or what?
John Stevens and Jasmine sang "Mandy" and "I'll never love this way again" respectively.
i seriously seriously in all seriousness think that JPL fans bcame John Stevens Fans.
I can imagine a John Steven-Jasmine finale.that'll be a "HUGE" credit to Fox's American Idol.
and lookin at how William Hung bcame successful.i'm not surprised.
so maybe next week they're gonna kick Latoya or Fantasia out.or maybe their fans will buck up and buy automatic or speed diallers.which i'm sure many John Steven fans have done already.
sigh.what's happening to American Idol? will they be proud of their winner this time like how they're proud of Ruben Kelly and Clay?
last week JPL and John and Diana were in bottom 3.Diana is good.she doesn deserve to be led the way back home so early.George has a crazy fan base.which has kept him in altho he had 2 "off" weeks.but look where "off" weeks haf gotten Tamyra.she was kicked off at the only week she had a mediocre performance.and that was when Nikki sang her heart out.practice doesn pay off i guess.
this is so unpredictable.i can still rmb the disappointment on John Diana and Jasmine's faces when they were in the same group.they thought they were doomed.really.and when ryan announced they were the highest vote-getters they were shocked.really really stumped.Jennifer jus kept smiling.truout everything.kept her cool.she's used to being in the bottom i guess.
even when the "safe" ppl headed back to the couch they hung down their heads.they knew they had a big chance of being in the bottom 3.they looked sad while they looked on as Latoya Fantasia n Jennifer received their predicaments.who can even bear to see them in the bottom 3..much less being kicked out? sigh.sigh.sigh.
the votes for Diana n John really increased after their near-death miss last week.well.i guess that's the only explanation.sigh.what a shocker.i really haf yet to recover.didnt expect Jennifer's exit to be THIS early.ok..enough abt AI 3.
i stil am in love wif clay!~ his "the way" video is so cool.so romantic!

anyway.i absolutely hate it when i'm accused of doing something i didn't.except homework.
accusations with no grounds.i cant believe it.


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